Na 0,5 l likeru budeme potrebovat:
350 g bobul tmaveho hrozna
170 ml vody
100 g cukru
100 ml 95° alkoholu
Ocistene hrozno tmavej odrody (ja som pouzila jahodove hrozno) zalejeme vodou a prikryte varime par minut, aby sa supka oddelovala. Nechame vychladnut a precedime cez platno (utierku). Dobre vyzmykame. Do cistej stavy pridame cukor a privedieme do varu.
Do vychladnutej pridame alkohol. Ja som mala 95°, cize silny alkohol. Ak pouzijeme vodku alebo rum, mnozstvo trochu zvysime podla ziadanej chuti.
Na zdravie!
I am looking for a strong writer to provide great content for a sports website i am working on. Currently only require writing for a few remaining landing pages (about 10) and these should be between 700-1,300 words each, depending on the amount of information available. The main aim is to provide each piece of content which is well researched from academic sources (e.g. books, journals) not copied from other websites. It should also be very easy for users to read and understand. If the work is of a very good standard, then the person chosen may be hired on an ongoing basis. Thanks Daniel